

    अंतरराष्ट्रीय हिंदी ओलंपियाड 2024 – विद्यालय स्तर परिणाम

    पीएम श्री केंद्रीय विद्यालय वायुसेना स्थल, कंभीरग्राम, असम (Region – उत्तर पूर्व)

    राज्य कोड: 08 | संस्थान कोड: HO3011

    क्र.सं नामांकन संख्या. छात्र का नाम कक्षा प्राप्त अंक (अधिकतम- 100) पुरस्कार (स्कूल स्तर) दौर 2
    1 369406 आन्या शुक्ला 3 72 GOLD
    2 369408 अश्मिता शाहा 3 49.5 Certificate
    3 369410 दीपशशका दास 3 41.5 Certificate
    4 369409 अनुषिका ग्वाला 3 33.5 Certificate
    5 369407 तनुश्री 3 26.5 Certificate
    6 369411 सुशिता केवट 3 20 Certificate
    7 369415 अपूर्व 4 52 GOLD
    8 369412 वंश शियाव 4 37 Certificate
    9 369413 शशांक कुमार 4 37 Certificate
    10 369416 अब्दुल शाहिद चौधरी 4 17 Certificate
    11 369414 सिर्व 4 16 Certificate
    12 369418 अर्पित कहार 4 13.5 Certificate
    13 369417 अजमेर हुसैन बाबर 5 24 Certificate
    14 369420 देवांशी पंत 6 70 GOLD
    15 369419 निक्षिता 6 43 Certificate
    16 369421 यश कुमार 6 37 Certificate
    17 369427 वेधिका जांगिड़ 7 70 GOLD
    18 369422 अंशु यादव 7 64 Certificate
    19 369428 निशांत पलसानिया 7 58 Certificate
    20 369424 अर्पिता तांती 7 55 Certificate
    21 369431 दीपनीता भट्टाचार्य 8 67 GOLD

    Green Olympiad Result – October Session (2024-25)

    Our school successfully conducted the Green Olympiad in October, and we are thrilled to announce the outstanding performance of our students. They have secured excellent marks, with many winning Certification of Participation and Certification of Merit for their achievements. All participants have showcased their dedication and skills in the competition.

    As we await the arrival of participation certificates, we are uploading the list of selected students along with their marks. Congratulations to all the winners and participants for their hard work and success!

    Green Olympiad Winners

    Green Olympiad Medal Winners

    1 240412560001 AARAV KAUSHIK 4/1 40.00 Certificate of Participation
    2 240412560002 SHASHANK KUMAR 4/1 40.00 Certificate of Participation
    3 240412560003 TAZMIRA HAQUE 4/1 40.00 Certificate of Participation
    4 240412560004 YATHARTH DAHIYA 4/1 AB ABSENT
    5 240412560005 PRIYANGSHU NATH 4/1 40.00 Certificate of Participation
    6 240412560006 RAKTIM PURKAYASTHA 4/1 40.00 Certificate of Participation
    7 240412560007 MOIRONG BEGUM LASKAR 4/1 40.00 Certificate of Participation
    9 240412560009 ANUSHKA KUNDU 4/1 AB ABSENT
    10 240412560010 MITHI BISWAS 4/1 AB ABSENT
    11 240412560011 JUDE RON ROBERT 4/1 40.00 Certificate of Participation
    12 240412560012 UMA KARMAKAR 4/1 40.00 Certificate of Participation
    13 240412560013 LABIBA FARRIN BARBHUIYA 4/1 40.00 Certificate of Participation
    14 240412560014 ARHAN SHEKH 5/1 40.00 Certificate of Participation
    15 240412560015 AARADHIYA CHHETRI 5/1 40.00 Certificate of Participation
    16 240412560016 MD SAHADOTH ARFIZ LASKAR 5/1 46.00 Certificate of Participation
    17 240412560018 RUDRA SINGH 5/1 40.00 Certificate of Participation
    18 240412560019 POORVI 5/1 52.00 Certificate of Participation
    19 240412560020 MARVI 5/1 52.00 Certificate of Participation
    20 240412560021 ANSHIKA KUMARI 5/1 40.00 Certificate of Participation
    21 240412560022 PRATYUSH SINGHANIA 5/1 40.00 Certificate of Participation
    22 240412560038 SURAJ TELI 11/4 60.00 Certificate of Merit
    23 240412560024 ADITHA DAS 5/1 40.00 Certificate of Participation
    24 240412560025 TAUFIQUE ARMAN MAZUMDER 5/1 40.00 Certificate of Participation
    25 240412560026 SUBHAM KURNI 5/1 40.00 Certificate of Participation
    26 240412560027 SUVOJIT GHOSH 5/1 40.00 Certificate of Participation
    27 240412560028 SHASHI SHEKHAR SINGH 5/1 AB ABSENT
    28 240412560029 PALLABI KAIRI 11/4 40.00 Certificate of Participation
    29 240412560030 ANKITA SINHA 11/4 52.00 Certificate of Participation
    30 240412560031 RUCHI KAIRI 11/4 54.00 Certificate of Participation
    31 240412560032 JUSTUS JOBY 11/4 44.00 Certificate of Participation
    32 240412560033 DALIYA ROY 11/4 50.00 Certificate of Participation
    33 240412560034 EMON BORA 11/4 68.00 Certificate of Merit
    34 240412560035 SUBHODEEP NATH 11/4 66.00 Certificate of Merit
    35 240412560036 ANISHA HUSSAIN 11/4 62.00 Certificate of Merit
    36 240412560037 BIBEK CHANDA 11/4 52.00 Certificate of Participation
    37 240412560038 SURAJ TELI 11/4 60.00 Certificate of Merit

    Cyber Olympiad Results – November Session (2024-25)

    Our school successfully conducted the Cyber Olympiad in November, and we are thrilled to announce the outstanding performance of our students. They have secured excellent marks, with many winning gold silver and bronze medals for their achievements. All participants have showcased their dedication and skills in the competition.

    As we await the arrival of participation certificates, we are uploading the list of selected students along with their marks. Congratulations to all the winners and participants for their hard work and success!

    Cyber Olympiad Medal Winners

    Cyber Olympiad Medal Winners

    Class Student Name Medal
    Class 2 Vanshika Dhaka Silver
    Class 2 Daivik K V Bronze
    Class 2 Lewis Rochungnunga Bronze
    Class 3 Aadya Barua Gold
    Class 4 Apoorv Yadav Gold
    Class 4 Kushagra Sigh Silver
    Class 5 Kiyansh Lakhawat Gold
    Class 5 Ninglen Rajkumar Silver
    Class 6 Vivleen Kaur Gold
    Class 7 Brajraj Goswami Gold
    Class 7 Apeksha Singh Silver
    Class 9 Twahira Ayman Choudhury Gold